Buy Nembutal lethal dose
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Buy Nembutal lethal dose 15 grams

Where can I buy Nembutal Lethal dose 15 grams ?

Is 15 grams of Nembutal enough to give me a peaceful death ?

Many are looking to buy Nembutal for suicide but only few know the exact lethal dose. Which is the quantity required to kill you. If you are looking to buy Nembutal lethal dose, then you are at the right place. We are all about educating people and also providing vital information as to the availability of Nembutal.

While providing information about the availability of Nembutal, we must also make sure the people who buy take the required lethal dose.

What is the lethal dose of Nembutal ?

A lot of questions were raised about the lethal dose of Nembutal after someone reportedly survived 16grams. It raised a lot of doubts about the drug Nembutal and if it was the perfect solution to end one’s life.

There are many arguments concerning the lethal dose of Nembutal. Some say the lethal dose is 6grams and others say it is 9grams.

According to Wikipedia, the standard protocol for physician-assisted suicide is to provide 9 grams of pentobarbital sodium along with sugar syrup in a 20% ethanol solution for self-administration by the patient. Hence confirming that the lethal dose of Nembutal is 9 grams.

The lethal dose for drugs used in assisted suicide should not be mistaken for the effects can be very fatal. The 2 most commonly used drugs are Secobarbital and Pentobarbital. The lethal dose prescribed is typically 9 g of Secobarbital in capsules or 10 g of Pentobarbital liquid, to be consumed at one time. We also get inquiries on where to buy painkillers online as taking Nembutal with painkillers speeds up the reaction hence giving a peaceful and painless passing.

The above quantity is the lethal dose and will take down even an elephant. What you should worry about most is the quality and make sure what you receive is not counterfeit.

At The Peaceful Pill Directory, we help you buy Nembutal also known as Pentobarbital or pentobarbitone  the proven drug used for Euthanasia and assisted suicide. It is a drug regarded as the Holy Grail by euthanasia proponents and greatly sort after by those looking for a peaceful passing. Many people have bought the illicit drug Nembutal online from China, a country that in the last two years has come to dominate the market. The drug kills in a very peaceful manner one hour after consumption.

Where can I purchase Nembutal?

The search to purchase Nembutal is on the increase with elderly foreign tourists tapping Mexican pet shops for the drug used by veterinarians to put horses, cats and dogs to sleep that has become the sedative of choice for euthanasia campaigners.

Tourists from as far as Australia have traveled to Mexico to buy liquid pentobarbital, which causes a painless death in humans in less than an hour, right-to-die advocates say.

They are seen clutching to photos of the bottled drug to overcome a lack of Spanish, they have maps sketched by euthanasia advocates to locate back-street pet shops and veterinary supply stores near the U.S. border. There they can buy a bottle for $35 to $50, enough for one suicide, no questions asked.

That is how things used to be but not anymore. Because many tourists travel to Mexico to buy Nembutal, drug dealers and gangsters have made it their business to start selling Nembutal. The price has also increased and you risk being sucked into the many gangster wars on the street so much for a Nembutal safe haven.

After purchasing Nembutal, do not use it immediately. Take sometime to think things through before proceeding. Nembutal is currently now available in North America and Australia. For so long our members had to travel or import the drug from Mexico but not anymore. You can now buy Nembutal in Canada and have it delivered successfully to your home.

How to buy Nembutal from home

Peaceful Pill Directory is telling everyone that there’s no need to travel to Mexico to buy Nembutal online when you can just order it from home with your computer. We have come up with a list of trust-worthy Nembutal vendors from whom you can order Nembutal online without any problems.

The list keeps increasing everyday. We also have a list of all the fake vendors  as well so if you have found a person claiming to sell Nembutal online, do not hesitate to contact us for verification. Stay safe and obtain Nembutal online today with the help of the Peaceful Pill Directory.


  1. Are there likely to be any Import problems importing Nembutal into Ausrralia?

  2. Good day, I want to order the product, but I live in Canada, Boucherville, Québec, is it possible for me to do so securely? Where should I buy this product on line?


  3. Interested in purchasing Nembutal from a reliable person. Thought about flying to Mexico. Are you truly for real?

  4. I need a price and most importantly , I need to secure a method of payment of which I still have to save up for as I only have $200.00 saved so far. I cannot use a major credit card. I can use 1) Western Union 2) Debit Card 3) Secure a “Pay Pal”. What are my best options please. Yours, Vicki jo

  5. I Good morn ing I want to buy Nembutal as soon as possible.

  6. Nembutal for suicide 40 y woman

  7. Where can i get it im from Egypt?

  8. I need supply of Nembutal

  9. I urgently need a supply of Nembutal – please give me an E<Mail contact address

  10. Please contact me with a list of vendors

  11. Kindly advise on availability and cost.
    Shipping to Finland.

  12. Hello…I am 65 yrs of age…do I have to go through the very longstanding mental reasons why after years of suffering…I wish to buy Nembutal now?

  13. How can obtain Nembutal . I live in the USA. Please help.

  14. I live in Guatemala. I am finished with my life.
    Have lost my beloved husband and no more family.
    I am dutch, and going back to Holland not an option.
    Here we just lived after living all over the world.
    Where can I order nembutal without problems? Costs. How to pay.

  15. I am looking for trust worthy vendors in western europe.

  16. Want to me nemnutalpill Is possible to get in india

  17. Hello, I have written main email to you all requesting your products, prices and story if you care to listen. If you would give me a list of fake websites, I surely would appreciate it

  18. Of course, a pleasant suicide with Nembutal I feel would be the best way to go. To a person that has unbearable pain as I know as I have been there but tried it with alcohol and believe me, do not try it that way. I would rather put a gun to my head. Seriously. The puking blood, dehydration to where I could not breathe with fluid in my lungs. It was a long process. Finally after 6 hours of torture, I called 911 and had to crawl to the door to let the paramedics inside.
    But at this time I think I could bare the brunt pain if I could buy Nembutal online. I know it is not pain medication but for a lot of pain I have I know it will take much of it out. I think it will help me get through the day.

  19. Please give me information for a reliable vendour

  20. Looking to buy legit Nembutal

  21. Can you please give me a contact in China to purchase Nembutal – I am going on weeks holiday in Beijing and wish to obtain 20gr

  22. Hi could I have a list of trustworthy sellers.

    Thanking you so much

  23. how can I buy Nembutal or phenobarbital? and most important where to find a reliable vendor?
    living in Canada…

  24. Hello. Any info on shipping to Ontario Canada would be appreciated. Thank you.

  25. Kindly advise on availability and cost.
    Shipping to netherlands

  26. I sent an email to your organization, How long does it take to respond?

  27. I have bowel cancer I like to end my life I empty my bowels and bladder up to 20 times a day I can’t live like this I have paid 840 to a Beverly Fong but it’s a scam I didn’t receive my Nembutal


  28. Please could you advise me on obtaining this substance.I love in the U.K

  29. I am in U.K. Can you please advise how I can obtain nembutal

  30. Can anyone please send me a link of how to get it in UK

  31. Can I please have a list of vendors


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