Lethal dose of Nembutal 15grams

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The lethal dose of Nembutal 15grams is being sold online and in darknet forums.

Nembutal together with Propoxyphene have become very popular due to their use in physician assisted suicide. For those who belief in the right to end one’s suffering, it is a must have medication. Both drugs are said to provide a peaceful and painless death.

Preparing the Lethal dose of Nembutal

Lethal dose of Nembutal 15grams.

1 Comment

  1. I have been suffering from immense depression for years with continuous attacks of anger and a continuing pain of continuing to live. I have tried twice to abandon in a dignified way this monstrous way of surviving on an emergency basis, dozens of daily pills under the care of a caregiver who do nothing but prolong this death in life, this continuous torment that has already given me Exhausted. I ask only to be asleep and never wake up.
    I am in Spain and here it is impossible in my situation, being under the control of a caregiver) to access enough pentobarbital to be able to rest at last.
    Can you indicate a solution that I will take under my total responsibility.

    With hope


    Llevo años sufriendo una inmensa depresion con ataques continuos de ira y un dolor continuo de seguir viviendo. He intentado en dos ocasiones abandonar de una forma digna esta monstruosa manera de sobrevivir a base de ingresos en urgencias, decenas de pildoras diarias bajo la atencion de un cuidador que no hacen mas que prolongar esta muerte en vida, este continuo tormento que ya me ha agotado. No pido mas que estar dormido y no despertar jamas.
    Estoy en España y aqui es imposible en mi situación, al estar bajo control de un cuidador ) acceder al pentobarbital suficiente para poder descansar al fin.
    Me puede indicar una solucion que tomaré bajo mi total responsabilidad.

    Con Esperanza




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