How Richard got his Nembutal

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A look back at how Richard got his Nembutal with the help of Peaceful Pill Directory the number one provider of end of life choices Information.

There have been many stories about people going to Mexico to buy Nembutal over the years, some successful and other not so lucky. Nembutal is highly sourced by the old and the terminally ill for a peaceful passing also known as the “peaceful pill”, barbiturate Nembutal is promoted by the euthanasia movement as the best and most peaceful way to end your life. Nembutal kills within an hour of being consumed.

The number of tourists going to Mexico to buy Nembutal has seen a great increase and this has earned them the name “Death Tourists” . As interesting as the stories are, one man really caught our attention and that is Richard Barnett.

Richard Barnett a 78 year old man who was terminally ill and have been trying to order Nembutal online for a long time with no success finally saved up money and made the long trip from Australia to Mexico.

Richard Barnett traveled to Mexico to acquire Nembutal but fell into the hands of gang members who took all his money, his passport and credit cards. “It was a very difficult time for me , no food , no water and they took my bag as well which had all my medications” he said.

When he came back to Australia, it was then that he read about another Nembutal Vendor from Mexico. The person running selling the Nembutal had a blog which claimed he had successfully sent thirty bottles of the Nembutal to New Zealand, Australia and the USA in recent weeks.

Richard immediately placed his order for 2 bottles of Nembutal Oral Solution $600 which arrived 5days later.

“I was doubtful it would actually happen because it seemed too good to be true. I had previously lost $2000 to online scams so when it arrived packed in a perfume box, I couldn’t actually believe it.”

With many people going to this guy to order Nembutal online, we at the Peaceful Pill Directory doesn’t think it will last for long so we are looking for other vendors as well.

Buying Nembutal online is the latest example of the risks people are prepared to take to get the drug regarded by euthanasia advocates as the “holy grail” for those who are looking for a peaceful exit.

Do not lose money online trying to order Nembutal, you can also be successful like Richard. Peaceful Pill Directory offers information about obtaining Nembutal online. Contact us today for more information.


  1. Are you associated with Exit International the people who publish the Peaceful Pill Handbook?

  2. This is from mr Guy Turner from the UK. E mail address [email protected]. would you be good enough to e mail me the e mail address of a legitimate nembutal aypplier please.

  3. Yes I am, will they give information on the best way to obtain this drug.

  4. I am desperate to buy Nembutal asap. I have only one shot at affording it and can’t mess up. Pls can I get the details to a legit seller. Hope you can help.

  5. [email protected]
    Kindly help me for Painless Exit
    What is the ” Fastest way “to die
    1) Nembutal or Seconal–IV or Liquid or powder ( I read 6 to 12 gms enough to die)
    2) Do you think CYANIDE is much faster than Nembutal.( I heard 1 to 2 gms enough to die)
    Could you please tell me cost and delivery in India ASAP

    Praying you all to bless me with ” FASTEST DRUG “

  6. Hi. I’m looking for a way to get Nembutal without interference and without scams. Do you know where can I go?

  7. How can I obtain Nembutol?

  8. Where can I purchase oral Nebutal online?

    1. I looked a year and son and I are dying and are very very poor most of the online are scammers if u see merit meds it’s a real also online drugs is a gay in Nigeria if that ask you to the bay with a scream card or bitcoin are a wire that will take you your money wish there was one but I have found none hope it saves u money

  9. Can I get near beautiful in Cozumel Mexico. I am going there next week

    1. If you go there and you find n would be so kind as to let my son and I know if there is any way to get it out buy delivery I know custom s will let the law know in your state and its big prison time. Please if you find a way, my son and I are extremely poor. .is there anyway, to get to us thank you something in common

  10. Is there a company or person where I can purchase Nembutal.

    1. So very sorry need to correct message because of where we ere at son and men need help to find n anywhere have been scammed out of what little money we had from online scammers we are dying in need of n bleve in it so poor, please someone help us need to be delivered thank you for. caring if anyone can help fast.

  11. Hi

    I really am interested in Euthanasia bcause of illness
    Where i can buy Nembutal for sure?

  12. Have know scammers please can u direct fast am a poor son and me during need, someone, to take a chance deliver

  13. Need to correct my message thank you, my son, and I are dieing am looking for n and will deliver we are poor please can anyone deret us as soon as possible thank you so much


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