Buying Nembutal from Mexico
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Buying Nembutal from Mexico

Getting Nembutal from Mexico has become a viable option due to contributions from Peaceful Pill Directory. Buying Nembutal from Mexico is the first thing that comes to the mind of everyone having End of Life Considerations. A scenario where every terminally ill finds themselves, making the hard decision.

Mexico remains the ultimate source for Nembutal and other end of life choice medications like Seconal.. and Potassium Cyanide. The country has become popular as a result of the ease with which people obtain Nembutal from Vet stores.

Buying Nembutal from Mexico

In Australia when you talk of Mexico, the first thing that comes to mind is their veterinary pharmacies which sell Nembutal Sodium Pentobarbital a drug that is popular for its use in Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.

There used to be a save haven for people trading in all types of narcotics , hard drugs and painkiller especially Nembutal and Morphine but with the law enforcement bureau in Mexico putting strict restrictions on certain drugs it has become very difficult getting the illicit drugs from pharmacy shelves.

Our terminally ill members however can now buy Nembutal online in Canada. They can now meet and buy from local vendors no need sending money overseas.

Buying Nembutal in Mexico

There’s no talk of veterinary Nembutal without mentioning Mexico and that is because a bottle  of Nembutal which goes for about $1000 elsewhere can be bought in Mexico without any prescription for $30. In 2008 the number of tourists that went to Mexico to buy Nembutal was at sky high and they were nicknamed “Death Tourists”.

We at the Peaceful Pill Directory have been doing a great deal of research on buying Nembutal from Mexico and came up with a few stories, there were a few reports from alt.suicide.methods members, who said to have purchased liquid pentobarbital sodium in Tijuana, Mexico. This is also backed by the book of Dr. Nitschke, The Peaceful Pill Handbook, which features an extensive section about how to successfully travel to Tijuana in order to buy Nembutal.

It is our duty to educate our members so we do our best to bring these stories and post parts of it in this page along with people’s reports from there.

  • See a video report of one travel published on YouTube: here.
  • There are possible plans to close a Mexican source.
  • A report by someone who went to Mexico: it may be not that easy! Read it here.
  • Some more information from the New York times.

With all the fuss about looking for a companion to travel to Mexico and buy Nembutal, it is still not easy to get this drug because there are recent laws aimed at putting a close to all the Mexican source. You now need a prescription to buy Nembutal even in Mexico and sanctions and prison sentences for those caught in possession of the drug. This hasn’t stopped people from selling though.

There’s a great number of people who are in pain, whose quality of life is very low and are looking for a way out through Voluntary Euthanasia. This people can’t travel to Dignitas in Switzerland and so turn to buy Nembutal online only to be ripped of their hard-earned money.

Our work is to help all those in pain get what they are looking for which is where to order Nembutal for a peaceful passing. If you are one of those people looking to order Nembutal online, do not hesitate to contact us through email: [email protected].

Do not lose money trying to buy Nembutal online, contact those who know how to do it . Send us an email regarding buying Nembutal and we will get back to you in no time.

If you are terminally ill and looking to buy Nembutal online in London UK, do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Need some advice on the cheapest and easiest way to get this I’m from australia

    1. Unless a person has lots of money, they will not be able to end their pain and suffering. That is not right and only causes more misery. I don’t believe the exorbitant prices for nembutal are necessary.

  2. Hi,I’m Tomasz from Poland.How much does the leathal dosage of nembutal cost?


  4. Please advise where I can buy legitamit Nembutal online or otherwise.

    What is the process with Nembutal for guaranteed death and what powder quantity would be required for a 5ft 4in women of 170 pounds?

    Also, what is the cost?

    Many thanks

  5. Hi,

    I have a requirement of Seconal 100mg capsules each. A total of minimum 100 capsules shipped to India. Could you guide me with the purchase procedure?

  6. Hello:

    I would appreciate all the help you can get me.

  7. Can you please let me know where i can safely purchase Nembutal and the anti nausia medication required to go with it. Thanks.

  8. I’d love to find out how to buy online.

  9. Hi I’m interested in buying Nembutal . please if you could let me know your thoughts on this and ways to achieve a successful outcome . Thank-you
    .J. Control

  10. I’m terminally Ill with brain tumours and want to pass away with dignity and to spare my beautiful family going through any more pain as they truely don’t deserve my loving family..I would like to purchase the peaceful pill Nembutal..I’m not sure we’re to purchase or how much to purchase to end my live with dignity and peace when it is time to use..I really don’t want my loved ones to see me die in pain. Any help would be much appreciated and thankful. God bless

  11. would like to buy pentobarbital.
    I have already been cheated by a fake supplier in the US.

  12. hello after legit source of Nem for 45 male terminal colon cancer,
    110kg in aus
    Would like to buy and have ready before it gets to the next stage. thanking u kindly

  13. Hello. I tried to send an e-mail to the adress given but it seems is no longer available. Would you please send me another way to contact you? I am interested in buying Nembutal.

  14. could you please refer me to a source for nembutal in Tjuana?

  15. Can purchased Nembuthal be carried across the border without inspection and seizure by customs agents?

  16. Hey, I’m VERY interested in obtaining this and I’m in Mexico DF already….where can I get some?
    I’ve been considering this for a very long time and now I must do it….can someone help me?

  17. Need a legit medication. The real stuff ni scam

  18. Hi I am looking for some Nembutal pills. Can you please assist?

  19. I was hoping to be able to drive down into Mexico from my state, which borders it, and easily pick up liquid Nembutal from a vet store. I’m gathering that will not be possible?

    1. Media interference has made buying Nembutal from vet stores in Mexico impossible. Your best bet will be to mail order it online.

  20. Do you have a recommendation of where to get this online?

  21. Park,

    I’ve already tried to buy pentobarbital online. I haven’t been able to find it. All the websites are scams. If anybody knows of pharmacies or pet stores in Tijuana where I can Source it? I have a lot of health problems that are making life unbearable and pointless and every day is always worthless.

  22. Does anybody know of pharmacies are pet stores in Tijuana where I can find Nampa toddler pentobarbital? I’m willing to go across the border

  23. Where can I mail order this vet med Nembutal from Mexico?

  24. Has anyone found a legit place to purchase online?

  25. Hello I have stage 4 bowel cancer I can’t hold my bowels for 7 years I’m drained of my living , I’ve lost all my savings trying to get nembutal £8500 please could you help me it’s my last try


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